Monday, June 19, 2006

Realizing the Unknown

It's probably one of those posts which I really wanted to write.
I do have penned (or.. keyed ) a few which really didn't come off naturally.
There's been one about the call centers, the cinema blasts, the CBMs and ..the Goa trip (..and the Goa one is something I would always look at whenever I get down :) ), they came off naturally ..and probably I can write a thousand more with same intensity but then some things are better not told!
So what's this one gonna be about..
well what would you say about a weekend on which you walked quite a distance day and night long
, got a few cramps...ate food which is purely for those who don't have taste buds ?
and would you say if I tell you guys that probably it was the best weekend I have ever had...probaly tht I have gone insane and is just the after effects of my experiences of this weekend?

Well this weekend I went to Vaishnodevi, and got struck by not one or two but a number of moments of enlightenments...and that's what I am gonna discuss here.

1. Well why everything has to start off from flashback? After the trip I would say it was the start. It started off with having a kewl dude attitude to have some kicks and that's what I have realised that why do discoveries happen when you get lost :). In life you never know that even a fall of yours can make you land up in a gold my case it was a start to a journey of self enlightenments.

2. There were times when I slept on the street, ... I was least worried about the people around me. And that was the second one...A poor guy sleeping on the street should be looked at with high respect...he's down there cause he's done with all the hardwork for the day. He's enjoying his share of reward ..and that's a good night sleep.

3. There were times when I thought I couldn't take it and thought of going back to the hotel but then I did complete my journey. That's the third one..a man's limitations are his own creation. I felt that I couldn't move an inch even then I covered several miles. Think beyond what you think you can think off...

4. All the way I was crying foul..cribbing about food, the road etc...but when I was done with it, It occured to me that probably that was the best trip of my life. That's the fourth life your biggest rewards come after going through most painful experiences...

Rest all I think would make my post very long....but one thing I know now. That there are roads to be travelled and goals to be achieved ..what was impossible for me yesterday is a possibility today. :)..
all the very best to me!!

Monday, January 30, 2006

January 30th, 06...

The date is important. It's important since it's another day gone by of my life and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Noo..dun you think I'll keep on writing such posts with a new date on it. I just wanna underline my idea...that everyday is to be celebrated. The most interesting thing is that you don't need to be a celebrity to celebrate it. :)...

I scrawl down anything that comes to my mind and is weird...:

"Life should be all about additions and subtractions. There should be no calculus involved." (i.e. always try to make it simple...)

"The first man to get inspired from ..."An apple a day keeps the doctor away.", was indeed Adam!" :) ...( Medico's must be knowing what an Adam's Apple is. )

"I can do any multiplication of n number of terms in a second, ...if only one of the terms is 0." :

"I truely believe in the theory of panspermia. Since men are from mars and women are from venus, the natives i think were only hermephrodites." ;)

Adios ;).