Friday, December 17, 2004

better late than never!!!!

it's been a week since i posted last but as they say --"better late than never". i just downloaded the kisna theme song and know wht.... it's rehman winning again in rehman vs rehman. The music is really wonderful, but only one thing disappoints and tht's the repetition of lyrics. atleast 10 times they'll tell you their address---
"HUM HAIN IS PAL YAHAAN"...... without letting you know their xact location. tell you wht i hvn't forgot abt wht i had promised to tell you all but ithink i need time!!!! i'll be leaving for a trip tommorow so just wanna go and hv a blast (nthing just....... constipations, sorry!!!!) ;-). and you ppl shabakher, take care and do come back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank me for ur first comment!!!!! guess who am I????
